07 April 2008

First test down...

We had our first big test today and got to see our little bean on the screen and hear it's heart just beating away! It is so strange to see arms and legs just flailing and not be able to feel it yet. As far as the test- it is called the nuchal translucency and it looks for chromosmal abnormalities and our results were great! The perinatologist also took a quick look at the spine and the abdomen and didn't see any issues there either but it is too early for the all clear with neural tube defects. ALSO too early to tell gender, but Corey is convinced it is a girl since the heart rate was 161 and girls tend to be higher :) Our next big Ultrasound will be May 19th. We have decided to go ahead and spill the beans to the girls because by that time I will be showing and I don't want them to be the last ones to know! OH and I measured 8 days ahead of my due date so my new due date will be October 18th. I told the perinatologist I just tend to grow big babies!

The Belly Progression, Week 11