26 February 2008

The cat is out of the bag

Well despite our initial thoughts of keeping this pregnancy under wraps until mid May it is now out there for everyone to know! I was talking to MIL this am and she started talking about trips and holidays and vacation time and I almost had a panic attack. SO we decided to go ahead and tell her, and then it kinda just snowballed from there. I mean we CERTAINLY didn't expect her to keep it a secret and if we told her we had to tell my mom, so here we are. Of course we are very apprehensive, and we won't rest easy until we are thru all of the testing (I will talk more in detail about that later) but we are thrilled to say the least! We had our first dr appt yesterday and it went really well- even though I KNEW I was pregnant there is just a thrill to have someone in a white coat tell you congratulations! I am still feeling great but the dr assures me that will come to an end soon :) Will keep you posted on our progress!


Unknown said...

The MIL can give you panic attacks? NO WAY!

Soooooooooooooo excited!

Anonymous said...

Do I get points for that? Admit it...you couldn't wait to tell me 'cuz you knew how thrilled I would be! Love you