13 May 2008

What's that thing between it's legs?

So clearly from the second picture you can see that we are having a little boy and he ain't shy about it. It is the next morning and I think we are both still reeling from the shock of the U/S tech saying "What would you say if I told you this was a boy?". Excuse me?? But even the doctor confirmed that without a doubt we will be needing to paint Lily's purple room and go out and buy blue and green sleepers to replace the pink ones we have. OH and did I mention he is PERFECT? They spent a good amount of time looking at all of his organs and his spine and reassured us that everything looks good and he is measuring one day ahead (well, plus the eight he was at the initial U/S but I DO make big babies :)).

Now the agonizing name choosing begins! Thank you all for the thoughts and prayers during this ordeal- they are SO appreciated!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I got the go ahead to get him his first football! I'm so excited I can barely stand it!!!

The name choice...ahh...how fun is that?!?!